Who am I?

My name is Ghiles Ziat and I am a teacher-researcher at the (EPITA), within from LRE in the Automata team.

Before that, I did my first post-doctorate at the ISAE-SUPAERO, at DISC under the supervision by Christophe Garion and Xavier Thirioux. We are interested in analysis of hybrid systems using a CP/AI approach. I then was a post-doctoral fellow at the Computer Science laboratory from the University of Paris (IRIF), within the Proofs, Programs and Systems group, where I studied static analysis of tests programs.

I did my thesis, in the APR team of LIP6. My supervisors were Antoine Miné and Charlotte Truchet. My research topic was the study of combinations between abstract interpretation and constraint programming. The aim of my thesis was to propose hybrid techniques from these two areas, in the context of problem solving and static analysis. My work is part of of the project ANR coverif.



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